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- Obviously we know who is drunk....=p
- thats what we ordered... guess which is mine!!! (...
- finally... the night came =)
- After 15++ mins...??? sun set???
- Daytime at NEw Asia
- "Carrot cake"...(cher said one)
- hmm.. squids??!!
- Err forgot whats it...=p anyWAy its DELICIOUS!!!
- One of my favourites - Agedashi Tofu
- kekee softshell crabs again
At Wednesday, November 23, 2005 2:52:00 AM,
Susie said…
wah.. my head soooo BIG!!! SO UGLY!!
At Wednesday, November 23, 2005 9:04:00 AM,
***wIsHfuL mE*** said…
haha where got ugly??!! din know that u got nice teeth!!! kekee=p
At Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:37:00 AM,
Susie said…
Wahahaha.. Flattered flattered.. Must close up then can see clearly.. Didn't know I was so close to the camera...
on a second look.. i just realised my hair is sooo FLAT!! OH DEAR!
To those who wish for soft straight hair, I can just tell you it's such a headache to ask soft straight hair NOT to be SOO FLAT!!
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