Jinmei's Wedding
Me and Alicia (end of this yr is her turn...=p)

The Car
25th Feb 2006 is my best friend's wedding... So took leave off on friday and met the rest of the 'sisters' for manicure and padicure at Boat Quay. It was her treat kekee=p We pampered ourselves from hands to toes... =p We took quite a numbers of pictures at our hands and feets hahaa abit "zhi lian" hor....=p but think got to wait awhile to upload those pictures... coz the dig camera is Jinmei's and now.... she is spending her time away with her husband *wink* Miaofang decided to take a free ride from April on saturday morning so only Meow and me went back home first to get pack our bags to stay over at her house... Think we reached around 11plus but only got into beds about 12 something. Hmm, and I think I managed to sleep an hour later and she also didnt fall asleep immediately as I could see (and even 'hear') her tossing around=p ( feeling excited over the next day??) Woke up before 5am then took a shower and get ourselves ready for the 'battle' hahaa BUT the bridegroom and his brothers were LATE!!! (Wondered they did on purpose or not...) So just punished the brothers by doing pushups hahaa After that, we gals very practical - ask the bridegroom for red packet and if not enough just close door and shut them out... kekee... But then, the bridegroom easily get the bride by just singing "Born Free" outside her room... "Yong Qi Ke Jia" as he seldom sing and his songs are 'limited' =p After tea ceremony, we travelled to Seletar Resevoir for some photoshoots before going to the bridegroom's place. After a series of activities in the day, thats not the end of day for me. According to her, I just need to assist in her changing of clothes and also teach the flower girl and flower boy how to walk down the aisle on the first march-in... Sounds easy job right? Ya at first i thought so too... but there is more to it kekee=p First headache, how to calm the 2 kids when both of them went crazy the moment they saw the bubbles in the air... (luckily the bubbles are for second march-in else the kids confirmed 'out of control') Second, went to help out at the reception - its completely chaos there... hahaa... People were not reaching in small tiny groups at all times... big big groups concurrently and continously!!! So its not easy to take photographs using poloroid and paste the pictures on then ask the guests to put down their wishes... But fortunately, the guests were very cooperative, in fact they queued up and waited patiently for their turns... =p The dinner started quite late.. think ard 8.30pm?? Guess the Solermisation ceremony delayed abit and plus some guests were not punctual, etc... =) In the middle of the dinner, I accompanied the couple up to the hotel room few times when she had to get change into her evening gown then followed by her tea dress... We really rushed like mad... kekee very hectic so "shou mang jiao luan"... but its very FUN... kekee crazy right...=p sighz too bad that these memorable moments were not able being taped down... =( 天无不散之宴席, 到了曲终人散的时候... 我们都带着疲惫但愉快的心情回家...
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