Its Long Weekend...
Sighz... was so terribly busy and rush at work today... Meeting with IE at 10am in the morning and ended abt 1plus. Then dashed over to client's place not long after reaching office at about 3plus... =( But fortunately, the presentation cum demo was quite a quick one kekee... managed to go back office before 6 and left on dot for vball!!! kekee
As it is going to be a long weekend ahead, Huiling came down too and I even asked Oscar along. However, we didn't get to play much as the guys were having friendly games. It was fine with me because I was chatting up with Oscar =) Didnt see him for almost a year... for the reason that his job requires him to make numerous overseas trips (something which i envy him)
After dinner, I got 5 'hunks' escorted me home though i insisted not to... Hmm, should be proud of it rite? But... I think they were just used escorting me as an excuse... coz i suspect they hadnt enough of gossips at MAC so wanna continue when walking me back home... kekee=p Anyway still need to THANK them here... as they sent me back at my doorstep (without knowing it =p)
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