sUcH a "LoNg DaE" ...
Metup with hongchu at AMKHub for dinner after work yesterday. But just before that was with brandon they all. He said he already had a finalised itinerary and wanna hv a short discussion on the trip. I was not sure if i were attentively listening to him or just selective listening... hahaa coz wat i heard from him was just 吃吃吃 nothing but 吃!!! think this time round really gng to 吃死它 ... kekee=p nvr mind shall give in to him wahhaa as he so pitiful at work mann sighz... kanna bullied le and anyway i think i shld hv some 'allowances' for filling up the food at tw kekee=p
ok now the back to the main track le... AMKHub everywhere was so packed with pple and not to say long queues as well. So we decided on Pizza Hut which is bit further from the hub and guess wont hv to wait either. kekee=p We had a long long chat lor... think ard 3 hrs plus? hahaa=p the time we last met was like... before i started this new job? kekee=p so just updated each other here n there. Her topic was always on either PARENTING or her beloved son lor... Food was not even served and she already started missing her dear favien lor... kekee=p and also this woman ah keep worrying that she has not been doing a "good job" she really need alot of recognitions lor haha of coz i did praise her =p hmm ya... i entertained her quite alot lor... some of the blunders i made really kept her laughed non-stop... n she said the "stapler" is the most hilarious one... hahaa its ok 她高兴就好... =)
the night is still "young" after splitting ways with her... headed to jan's place to watch anime and got to know that they were having some mahjong trainings at her place conducted by brandon hahaa!!! hmm only realised how late it was when i reached jan's place so being a obedient gal, gave dad a call to inform him abt it else hard to pacify him later on =p Just finished few episodes, i "Cannot beat them then join them" (MAHJONG!!!) to my surprise, we actually played till this morning then went for breakfast before gng home!!! so steady rite? thats my first time playing mahjong till so 'early' lor... hahaa=p then best was in the evening still went for vball =p And i played every single game!!! kekee=p must train my reflexes bttr mah...After which danny suggested go Black Canyon at katong for dinner after vball... YEAH!!! so delighted then...

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