fOrCeD tO bE gRoUnDeD...
realised wallet left in the office one when need to exchange pass at dsta =( sighz... so will be penniless for the next 2 days le... so sad... it means no shopping over weekends?? kekee jan said if really want to, it wont stop u - can always get money from parents first... hahaha well its true.. but i dun feel like doing it, kind of weird to 伸手要钱 at this age and somemore started working kekee=p anyway the consolation part is i still hv my EZlink card and some cash at home !! then no vball session fortunately hahaa so not so pathetic lah... can either at home all the way or just out for while and 省 abit can liao...=p
At Saturday, August 11, 2007 11:50:00 AM,
K said…
actualli.. can tell us to bring it for u mah.. =x
At Saturday, August 11, 2007 12:14:00 PM,
***wIsHfuL mE*** said…
hmm its being locked up in the pedestal... =( hv to go back office personally lor...
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