sPeCiAl MoMeNtS n SiMpLe tOtS

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2nD wEeK oF wOrK + piEcE oF gD nEwS

So far so good... Working place is nearer to home, new colleagues nice and friendly and more new things to be learnt?? kekeee=p BUT there is no internet access now =( Totally 'disconnected' from the rest of the world!!! Keep sending smses to keep myself to stay awake. Coz got some readings to do and its so 'dry' and boring at times... Hmm, wondering if I will get a shock when my next phone bill comes in hahaa=p Ohh for those who didnt received my smses dont be sad k. Be patient coz i can only afford to 'offend' a few at one time lor (could be quite disruptive when you're at work and 'entertaining' me at the same time) kekee=p

Ya, received a good news from Siang today - our Phyllis's ROM is on 21 May 2007. Its quite a surprise for me (and the rest?) Coz it comes eariler than expected. CONGRATULATIONS anyway... kekeee

Alot of interesting things going on in my new workplace but will fill in the details next time coz my bed is calling me already......


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