my first workout after soooo long... abt 1mth plus?!?!? hmm then realised that i've been sick for that long!!! coz of that stupid cough, dun even go jogging nowadays... sighz thus under-utilised my mobile also =(
they booked the court from 5 to 10 yesterday!! kekee initially its only up till 8 but due to overwhelming responses so extended it until 10!!! Anyway, i was not punctual, reached ard 6plus 7? coz went to meet JM catching up abit, she is forever my life-jacket can cling on to her anytime when drowning hahaha oh not to forget VAN... saviour too... will appear just in time when i need her =p ok... why i was late for vball then... coz we were stucked at this particular shop at The Central. hahaa... n of coz got smthing from that shop. was hesitating for a while as the price is quite steep lor... (to me) BUT i simply love it alot!!! n there was this devil beside me lor hahaa=p RETAIL THERAPY IS GOOD!!! but only effective for a short while only...
Yesterday attendance for vball was REALLY excellent... guess there were more than 20 or close to 30 of us? And most importantly... ALL enjoyed all the games n had alot of fun. The guys really gave their "best shots" irregardless of if there is any gal's existence at the opposite side!!! They would just whack at full strength lor... it was so scary when u see it while resting outside the court. BUT when we gals were in the games, we dun show our vulnerability at all hahaa strong strong rite? hahaha ohh n they keep reminding me be more careful not to go for every ball... coz of the last incident =p
After our showers, we gals were complaining all the bruises we have gotten from the games hahaa cat and huiling dun understand why they still got it on knees even they were wearing the guards.. ya me also dun understand it... at long long long time ago =p Then the 20+ of us quickly settled our dinner somewhere near. After which, grace n i just walked back to tpy central n took bus home. nvr nvr realise its such a long distance until last nite... n nvr nvr felt so exhausted before that i actually took bus home instead of walking... ya mentally physically 累了